Developing Evaluation Framework for Design Support Programme
At the end of September, User-Factor partners came together for the fourth time to learn together and exchange their experiences from across the Atlantic regions. The partnership meeting hosted by Innovalia Association took place in Santa Cruz de Tenerife. We kicked the meeting off with

Cardiff Market – Service Design Project
This report shares the findings of a project undertaken between April and August of 2019 and forms part of PDR’s approach to User-Factor. The aim is to introduce market stakeholders to service design and build their interest in engaging with further design support. Download it

Greenhouse 2019 – Service Design and Policy Design Training – October 21st 2019
Greenhouse is a unique training programme created by PDR to upskill public service leaders and policymakers in service and policy design approaches and tools. It has been developed based on years of research and experience of delivering design-driven innovation projects in the public sector. The course will equip you

Pilot Session for Design Support – the Innovation Lab in Northern Ireland
In September the Innovation Lab ran it’s Service Design Pilot with five SME’s. The session was advertised across the creative sector but companies came from a range of sectors, all representing different stages of business development. Numbers in attendance were kept low to create ample

Scottish Enterprise by Design Programme
Scottish Enterprise’s approach to User Factor is to evaluate their current By Design grant (between 2017-2019) in order to increase grant engagement and improve the experience for participant companies and support agencies. The By Design grant (2015-ongoing) aims to attract new SME’s to Scottish Enterprise

On wednesday the 15th of May, GAIN celebrated the event “Design, good practices, action proposals and SME support”. The aim of the event was to present the pilot action that GAIN has developed to support 25 SMEs in the development of new innovative products and

Design Factory (Factoría de Diseño, FdD)
The Design Factory is one of eight regional design support pilots being developed through the User-Factor project. The main goal of the Design Factory pilot is to provide service and product design support following a user-centred perspective. The Design Factory will select 25 SMEs or

Cardiff Market Service Design Programme 2019
Cardiff market is a Victorian indoor market (built in 1891) located in the heart of Cardiff’s city centre. The market is home to over 60 market businesses, who together offer a large variety of fresh produce, cooked foods, traditional crafts, and services. PDR has been