Impact beyond the project cycle

User-Factor Final Report now available

Register for the User-Factor Final Online Conference

“Support for Design from Public Entities” event by the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN)
On September 23, the Galician Innovation Agency (GAIN), through the CIS Tecnoloxía e Deseño, held an online dissemination event under the frame of the European User-Factor project. During the “Support for Design from Public Entities” event, the main public support sources for Galician design

SME toolkit for understanding customers

The Cardiff Market Project and Building Bridges: PDR User-Factor Pilots

Design Pilots in Portugal completed
Under the USER-FACTOR “Design for user-driven innovation” project, financed under the INTERREG programme for innovation in the Atlantic area, Sociedade Portuguesa de Inovação (www.spieurope.eu) two pilot editions of the corporate training programme Design for Business in partnership with the Porto Design Factory. Through an innovative

Bringing Creativity to Business
PDR via the User Factor project aims to bring design thinking and creative policy to small and medium sized business throughout Wales. The support will consist of workshops, research and ideation with the aim of developing new or renovated offerings small businesses can offer consumers.

Thinking Ahead Through Design – Design thinking innovation creating customer centred value
The main aim of this programme is to strengthen innovation in small and medium businesses by supporting them to use design as a tool for user-centred and market-driven innovation. This programme will give companies: One-to-one support from expert design practitioners. A clear understanding of design