Pilot Programmes

User-factor in Brittany: Facilitate value creation through design!
User factor* is an innovation support program carried out by 8 European companies. This project aims to strengthen the innovation capacity of local SMEs by taking into account users and the design approach. Every asset in the SMEs economic development in Brittany, Walles, Scotland, Ireland, Galicia, Canary Islands and Porto, these partners use their skills […]

Thinking Ahead Through Design – Design thinking innovation creating customer centred value
The main aim of this programme is to strengthen innovation in small and medium businesses by supporting them to use design as a tool for user-centred and market-driven innovation. This programme will give companies: One-to-one support from expert design practitioners. A clear understanding of design thinking and how it applies to their business. A practical […]

Design for Business – Portugal (SPI)

Pilot Session for Design Support – the Innovation Lab in Northern Ireland
In September the Innovation Lab ran it’s Service Design Pilot with five SME’s. The session was advertised across the creative sector but companies came from a range of sectors, all representing different stages of business development. Numbers in attendance were kept low to create ample opportunity to pre-test the pilot, by seeking feedback throughout, including […]

Scottish Enterprise by Design Programme
Scottish Enterprise’s approach to User Factor is to evaluate their current By Design grant (between 2017-2019) in order to increase grant engagement and improve the experience for participant companies and support agencies. The By Design grant (2015-ongoing) aims to attract new SME’s to Scottish Enterprise and support them in using design to develop new or […]

On wednesday the 15th of May, GAIN celebrated the event “Design, good practices, action proposals and SME support”. The aim of the event was to present the pilot action that GAIN has developed to support 25 SMEs in the development of new innovative products and services through the use of user-centered design tools. More than […]

Design Factory (Factoría de Diseño, FdD)
The Design Factory is one of eight regional design support pilots being developed through the User-Factor project. The main goal of the Design Factory pilot is to provide service and product design support following a user-centred perspective. The Design Factory will select 25 SMEs or entrepreneurs who will enhance their capabilities to connect with their […]

Cardiff Market Service Design Programme 2019
Cardiff market is a Victorian indoor market (built in 1891) located in the heart of Cardiff’s city centre. The market is home to over 60 market businesses, who together offer a large variety of fresh produce, cooked foods, traditional crafts, and services. PDR has been working with Cardiff market traders in recent months in order […]